
NDC has the BVR serial numbers now; no planned ‘game’ can work — Kofi Adams

NDC Kofi Adams, Member of Parliament for Buem constituency
Kofi Adams, Member of Parliament for Buem constituency

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has revealed that it has obtained the serial numbers of Biometric Verification Registration (BVR) kits being used in Ghana's ongoing voter registration exercise.

Speaking on Accra-based TV3's Key Points program on Saturday, May 11, Buem MP Kofi Adams disclosed that the NDC acquired the serial numbers through their own investigations.

Mr. Adams and the NDC appear confident that obtaining the numbers independently will help curb potential electoral manipulation.

“We have the serial numbers, so we just want to tell anybody who may be a member of any game to introduce those machines into the system that it will not happen," he said.

The disclosure comes after the Electoral Commission (EC) declined the NDC's request for the serial numbers, citing security risks.

In a statement released on May 9, the EC said releasing such sensitive information "poses a substantial risk to the security and integrity of our registration processes."

The EC argued that disclosing serial numbers could allow "unauthorized access" to BVR kits and "enable targeted attacks" in specific regions.

It also said serial numbers could facilitate "phishing attacks" and disrupt EC protocols meant to ensure equipment is only used officially.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
